EMC² Independent Facilitator -
Kelly Stout
Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
You found this testimonial under the tag Macular occlusion, incurable
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Liz from Arizona - AIM participant since September 1999
Testimonial provided July 2021
In 1999, Liz was dying. She found the AIM Program and went on the trays. She says AIM helped her heal herself. Recently doctors said she had an incurable macular occlusion and would go blind. After a new frequency in Liz was put on AIM, Liz says that the incurable occlusion went away.
Tags: Cataracts; Dying; Hereditary frequencies; Macular occlusion, incurable;
I believe that Divine led me to AIM back in the early fall of 1999.
I was dying and knew it. Had several things going on. I got away from Doctors in the mid 70's and taught myself about herbs and other alternative ways to help me self heal. Nothing I was doing was checking the downward spiral I was in.
I was running a small shop at the time and had a gentleman come in saying he was told on his way home from Las Vegas to stop here and didn't know I existed. We started talking and finally he said: "You are really sick." I responded that I knew. He started asking if! had tried certain supplements all of which I had. Then he asked if he could use my phone. I said sure and when he got off the phone told me he was having a book sent to me on a healing modality he thought might help. I thanked him and he left.
I live in a very small town and we NEVER get next day mail from anywhere. At least we didn't then but the very next day I received the Book "Sanctuary the Path To Consciousness". I read the book right away and it made total sense. I told Creator if he wanted me to follow this lead I needed his help financially as my husband totally "poo-pooed" the whole idea.
I provided services to the community I didn't charge for and had a "Thank You Jar" on the counter for donations. I had people coming in saying "I don't know why but I was told you were going to need this", dropping money into the jar. Stephen Lewis was due to hold a seminar in a town 50 miles south of me and when I went to it I was the lucky person he used to demonstrate the program on. He found all the active frequencies I knew I was dealing with as well as several others. He said the good news was that I would be put on the program for being the subject for six months free and everything I was dealing with was hereditary and I would clear them out of my consciousness. I DID!
Within 3 months I knew I was on the road to health. I had several healing crises during that first 6 months. The Jar had given me enough money to stay on the AIM Trays a second 6 months so my first experience was for a year. I was unable to continue then but 7 years later I was able to get back on and have remained on with NO plans of ever being off again.
I've had many issues come up and AIM has helped me heal myself.
Recently my vision started having issues. Found out I had cataracts so had the surgery done on both eyes but the right eye was still having issues. I was sent to a retina specialist and was told I had a macular occlusion in that eye and it was not curable. The only thing I could do was let her put a shot of Cancer medication in my eye every 30-45 days for the rest of my life and there was no guarantee it wouldn't cause me to go blind anyway. In fear I tried the first shot and spent 3 weeks unable to function mentally. I was literally a couch potato. I called for a recheck with AIM and they found a frequency in me that was not on the trays surrounding the eye. I also started throwing everything I knew at it. I made the decision I was never getting another shot! I just this week had another picture taken of the back of the eye and the occlusion is gone! With the help of the AIM Program and other natural modalities I healed the eye that could not be healed. We are designed to heal ourselves. AIM helps us do that!
Thank you AIM!
Liz Magowan
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